Battle of Salamis was a sea battle between Greek allies under Themistocles and Persians under Xerxes in 480 BC. Themistocles guided the Greek ships with organization and geography plans so that the Greeks could successfully attack Persians in the sea.
Battle of Salamis took place on the west coast of Attica and involved Greek allies and Persian fleets.
After battle of Marathon,Themistocles told the Athenians to use their silver mine to build the fleets for future battles.
After hearing from the Oracle, the Athenians fled the city to protect their navy.
Also, battle of Thermopylae and Artemission took place at the same time to stop Persians from invading North of Athens. Thermopylae was on land while Artemission battle was on sea. At battle of Artemission, the Greeks used Kyklos formation to advance their ships, and the Persians advanced their ships, too. On day three, there was an equal number of casualties on both Greeks and Persians side. Finally, The Greek allies retreated and Persians burned down Athens.
Battle of Salamis: the image below shows the ship organization of Greek allies and the Persians.
Themistocles understood wind and water patterns so he organized the Greek ships so they could have an advantage to attack Persian ships when the right time came.
The Greek ships dominated over Persian ships and won the battle of Salamis.
Persians retreated.
Just like the Marathon with infantry strategy, the fleet strategy that Themistocles used to lead the Greek navy impressed me with how intelligent he was to think about geographical patterns to take advantage over Persian ships without such a great loss of Greek ships. I like how the Greeks had developed these smart strategies to prepare for the battle and distract the Persians. I think that the Greeks were careful in coming up with a good strategy in order to win with their small fleet. In this way, their strategy could overpower a large number of Persian ships. Lastly, I think that it would be amazing if we could go back in time to see the battles happening.