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Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum

Socrates was a philosopher whom Plato followed on his teachings and found the Academy in Athens after Socrates' death. Aristotle then...

Delphi, Greece

Delphi will catch your attention with its famous Oracle of Apollo that connected humans and gods' conversations indirectly through the...

The Athenian Agora

The Athenian Agora was a public marketplace for the Athenians to gather to discuss philosophy, politics, and economics. Socrates usually...

Kerameikos, The Pnyx, Areopagus in Athens

These three places are located in Athens, Greece. Kerameikos was an ancient cemetery with the sacred and Dipylon gate. The Pnyx was a...


Mycenae was located in Peloponnese, Greece. There were many Greek mythologies like Cytemnestra myth, Pelops Legacy, and the curse of...

Battle of Salamis

Battle of Salamis was a sea battle between Greek allies under Themistocles and Persians under Xerxes in 480 BC. Themistocles guided the...

Battle of Marathon

Battle of Marathon took place in the east coast of Attica in 490 BC. A huge Persian infantry outnumbered the Greek military forces. The...

Panathenaic Stadium in Athens

The stadium made of marbles was a site for athletic competitions like foot races, wrestlings, chariot races, and Pentathlon like long...

The Acropolis in Athens

The Acropolis in Athens introduces you to the Parthenon, the most famous site in Acropolis, and Propylaea, Temple of Athena Nike,...

Thank you for viewing my travel blog! I hope you enjoyed it!

- Tran Vo

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