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Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum


Updated: Jun 19, 2020

Socrates was a philosopher whom Plato followed on his teachings and found the Academy in Athens after Socrates' death. Aristotle then studied at Plato's Academy, taught Alexander the Great in northern Greece, and later established his Lyceum in Athens to teach the public about philosophy.

Socrates' biography:

This is a sculpture of Socrates looking deep in thoughts.

  • Socrates was a wise man of Athens and was born in the Alopeke deme of Athens around 470/469 BCE

  • His father, Sophroniscus, was a stonemason; and his mother, Phaenarete, was a midwife.

  • Socrates was known for his fortitude and fearlessness in the Peloponnesian War and those traits followed him throughout his life.

  • Socrates served on the Boule and the Prytany in the Athenian Agora.

  • He was a gym rat who went to the gym to work out almost everyday.

  • He began as a Natural Philosopher and later became a Moral Philosopher.

  • He spent most of his life in the Athenian Agora questioning the Athenians with his dialectic method to challenge their thoughts and minds before they came into a logical conclusion.

  • Socrates later was tried, convicted, and executed in 399 BC for corrupting the youth and showing impiety to the traditional gods of Athens.

  • After his conviction, Socrates suggested that he should be honored by the city for his great services to the Athenians.

  • Socrates refused to escape the prison since he wanted to stay truthful to his beliefs and Athens.

  • Socrates thought of his death as a healing "Aesclepius", a god of medicine.

  • Socrates never wrote down any of his ideas or teachings in books or any form.

  • Others learned about Socrates mostly from the writings of Plato and Xenophon.

Plato's biography and Academy:

  • Plato was born into an Aristocratic family and was a follower of Socrates in Athens. He was a poetic philosopher who made Socrates the main voice in his dialogue.

An image of Plato:

  • He was a witness to:

+The pinnacle of Athens' wealth and power and its defeat in the Peloponnesian Wars.

+Trial and execution of Socrates with the poison hemlock in the prison.

  • Plato traveled for 12 years after the death of Socrates in 399 BC and then returned to Athens to find Plato's Academy in 387 BC.

  • Plato's Academy:

+Hekkadamia: Ancient Sacred precinct of Athena, Castor, and Pollux

+"Akadamia" came from Akademus, who figured in the Theseus/ Helen/Castor/Pollux Myth. The myth started with Helen of Sparta being kidnapped by Theseus when she was young. He hid her away and waited for her to grow up to marry her because she was a beautiful girl. Helen's brothers, Castor and Pollux, got very mad so they tried to find Theseus and Helen. Then, Akademus told the brothers where Helen was. Helen was also believed to be in Athens. Thus, this myth led to a special spot in Athens to be protected against the Spartans.

+Plato's School operated from 387 to 383 BCE

- It was a skeptical school

-The subjects were astronomy, physics, politics, metaphysics, and ethics

-No tuition, no degrees

-There was at least two women: Axiothea of Philius and Lasthenia of Mantinea.

This is the Plato's Academy in Athens, Greece below!

  • Plato traveled to Sicily in 362 BC to tutor Dion, a tyrant of Sicily, and he then managed to get back to Athens.

  • Plato was an originator of the dialogue genre in his books. In his dialogue, Plato explored 'Justice, Goodness, Courage, Liberty' through Socrates' voice from the interactive conversations for people to understand who Socrates was. Plato retreated from the pure theory of the "Republic,"suggesting that experience and history as well as wisdom can inform the running of an ideal state.

  • One of Plato's popular quotes: “People are like dirt. They can either nourish you and help you grow as a person or they can stunt your growth and make you wilt and die.”

  • Plato died in 348 BC.

Aristotle's biography and Lyceum:

Aristotle was a curious person who wanted to understand everything and reconcile things together.

This is Aristotle!

  • Aristotle was the son of Phillip of Macedonius Physician and lived in the 'court'.

  • After his father died, Aristotle was sent by his uncle to study at Plato's Academy in Athens from 367 BCE to 347 BCE. So he was not an Athenian citizen.

  • However, Aristotle did not get a job when Plato retired. Thus, Aristotle decided to leave Athens so that "Athens would not sin twice against philosophy"( Socrates' charges).

  • Aristotle taught Alexander the Great and friends in a school built by Phillip in the Northern Greece.

  • After the Macedonia conquest, Aristotle returned to Athens and found the Aristotle's Lyceum in 334 BCE. The Lyceum was a temple dedicated to Apollo Lyceus and the academy was called the Peripatetic school of philosophy. The Lyceum was famous for its center of education, but it was also used for the Athenian assembly gatherings, cult practices, and military exercises. Aristotle would frequently lecture on the grounds for the public and he would usually walk as he taught. Aristotle's main focus as a teacher was cooperative research. The school was student run as the students elected a new student administrator to work with the school leadership every ten days.

Check out Aristotle's Lyceum here in Athens!

  • Alexander died in 323 BC

  • Aristotle fled Athens again in 322 BC when he was charged with impiety and the political leadership reacted against Macedonians again. His previously published works supporting Macedonian rule left him a target. Aristotle passed on his Lyceum to Theophrastus.

  • Aristotle died just north of the city Athens in Chalcis, near his hometown.

Plato Academy Museum's object:

The Plato Academy Museum told us the story of Plato, his work of philosophy, and the history and role of the school. These sayings from Plato’s Republic showed us how Plato thought about justice, order, and character of the just city- state and man from Socratic dialogue.

In these carvings from Plato’s words, I found it interesting of how he mentioned about carrying the mirror around so you could see the appearance of the world and not just their existence. I like how Plato appreciated the beauty of art in the world around him just like how De Botton valued his art of travel and the petite beauty in it.


I found it interesting that Socrates' footsteps were followed by Plato and Aristotle in Athens! As both of Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum were settled in Athens to teach philosophy to the Athenians, I like how these philosophical ideas were based on Socrates' teaching of philosophy, too. I also like the coincidence of how both Plato and Aristotle left Athens and then returned to Athens to find the academies. I wondered if there was some attachment to Athens that drew them back to the city to spread these philosophical ideas to the Athenians, just like how Socrates did!

I also like the myth of Theseus/Helen/Castor/Pollux. I think that it was insane how Helen was kidnapped by Theseus at a very young age just for her beauty and she was left with Theseus's mother to grow up. That could have been a shock to a little child. Besides, I like how Helen's brothers went out of their way to find and save her. I have also noticed that the Greek myths had some complication in the relationships and marriages. It would be interesting to know more about these myths and their influences in the ancient and modern world.

Sources: Editors. “Plato.”, A&E Television Networks, 9 Nov. 2009,

“Lyceum (Classical).” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 6 June 2020,

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